
Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Swim bladder disease, also called swim bladder disorder or flipover, is a common ailment in aquarium fish. The swim bladder is an internal gas-filled organ that contributes to the ability of a fish to control its buoyancy, and thus to stay at the current water depth without having to waste energy in swimming. A fish with swim bladder disorder can float nose down tail up, or can float to the top or sink to the bottom of the aquarium.


How to treat a floating bloated Goldfish with a swim bladder disorder with Dr Loh Fish veterinarian - In this video we show you a procedure used to help a floating bloated Goldfish with a swim bladder disorder with Dr Loh Fish veterinarian. These videos are for education purposes only. If...

Fancy goldfish are among the fish most commonly affected by this disorder. The disease may be caused by intestinal parasites or by constipation induced by high nitrate levels from over feeding.


Swim Bladder Disorder | Fish Care
Swim Bladder Disorder | Fish Care. Source : nippyfish.net

A remedy, which can work within hours, perhaps by countering constipation, is to feed green pea to affected fish. Fish surgeons can also adjust the buoyancy of the fish by placing a stone in the swim bladder or performing a partial removal of the bladder.


Swim Bladder Disorder - Bettaboxx
Swim Bladder Disorder - Bettaboxx. Source : www.bettaboxx.com

When Einstein the elderly goldfish developed swim bladder disease ...
When Einstein the elderly goldfish developed swim bladder disease .... Source : www.pinterest.com

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