The rates of college students binge drinking in the United States have fluctuated for the past years. As high as 40% of college students could now be considered alcoholics, as defined by the next edition psychiatry's diagnostic manual, but many of these individuals would be regarded as having only a mild drinking problem. Most college binge drinkers and drug users don't develop lifelong problems.
Social stigma
Freshmen - The Modern Binge Drinking Culture - College students bust the myths of freshman year and discuss the realities of alcohol abuse in University life. Aware Awake Alive promotes safety education about the signs and dangers of...
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) reported in 2012, that more than 80% of college students drink alcohol, with estimated 40% report binge drinking in the past 2 weeks, and about 25% report having academic consequences because of their drinking. 56% of students reported binge drinking once a week.In comparison, the comparable figure of alcoholism for American Indian and Alaskan Native youth ("Native youth" hereafter) is approximately 80 percent (Beauvais, Oetting, & Wolf, 1989).
Individual and environmental factors for experiencing alcohol-related consequences have been identified such as drinking during high-risk periods, such as spring break, or belonging to specific student subgroups (e.g., Greek organizations). Drinking throughout high school also played a role, suggesting that binge drinking starts earlier than college for some.
See also
- Alcohol use among college students
- Alcohol advertising on college campuses
- American Indian alcoholism
- Cigarette smoking among college students
- Pregaming
7. Dodd, L.J., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Nevill, A. and Forshaw, M.J., 2010. Lifestyle risk factors of students: a cluster analytical approach. Preventive medicine, 51(1), pp.73-77.